Compassionate Brattleboro's School Kindness Report was released in October 2021. The report was prepared over the previous year with encouragement from the former Superintendents of the Windham Southeast School District, the School Board, the Brattleboro Town Manager and large numbers of teachers and administrators of Brattleboro schools.
The purpose of the Report is to provide a broad array of examples which have been successfully employed in individual Brattleboro area schools. “Kindness” here is used broadly and embraces, compassion, gratitude, appreciation, and positive psychology, and applies to educators and parents as well as students. Members of the Compassionate Brattleboro School Kindness Initiative Team were Paul Rodrigue, who initiated the idea; Rick Gordon, former Director of the Compass School; Miriam Dror, Human Development Educator; and Jim Levinson.
For a copy of the report, send an email request to: [email protected]