While many towns in New England have sister communities, most of them in Europe, Brattleboro has reached further and established reciprocal relationships with communities in four low income countries and two Native American communities plus another Charter of Compassion member town in New York state. Learn more about our sister communities.
Encouraging School Kindness
Compassionate Brattleboro's School Kindness Report was released in October 2021. The purpose of the Report is to provide a broad array of examples which have been successfully employed in individual Brattleboro area schools. Learn more about kindness in schools.
Compassion Stories of the Month
Each month, beginning in the summer of 2017, Compassionate Brattleboro has published a Compassion Story of the Month. These stories, submitted by Brattleboro area residents, have been published in the Brattleboro Reformer and sometimes in The Commons. The Charter for Compassion page on the Brattleboro town website contains a complete listing of these stories.
Compassion in Common
When Compassionate Brattleboro presented its annual report to the Select Board in 2019, the issue which received the most attention was “non-judgmental listening” recognizing the serious divisiveness existing in our country, and in our area, on major social and political issues. Learn more about our work in compassionate listening.
Brattleboro Town Website
The town website links to the Charter for Compassion, Compassion Stories, and more.